TGIF! Ah, yes, it's Friday once again. This week was more of a condensed week, considering I was still home on Sukkot break and therefore, only had two days of work. Well, 2 in a half days, if we're being technical. 🤓 But believe me when I say - all it takes is for 2 days of work to completely wipe me out. 😪 You know how the minute you step back inside the place, the rush of a workload literally comes straight at you? Yep. That's what I was experiencing yesterday and today. I'm already expecting (more like, dreading) the workload of a full week's worth of work, next week. But enough about work! It's now the weekend, and so far for this Friday night, I've been resting up and listening to music. So the same things as usual. 😛 Today marks 15 years that the hit Showtime show, Dexter, came on TV - so I rewatched it's very first episode. It was still so entertaining! Granted, I didn't actually watch the show until about 3 years ago when it was on Netflix, since back in 2006, I was way too young to completely comprehend the show's premise...but to be an adult means you gotta sometimes play a bit of catch up, so I'm glad I was able to watch the series in it's entirety after all. 😁 Michael C. Hall is the best! And I look forward to watching the Dexter revival limited series next month.
Aside from TV - some more good music has been released this week in kpop land! I'm focusing specifically on TWICE and their very first english-language single, titled "The Feels". I think they've done an *amazing* job with singing on another language! The beat, lyrics, and concept of this release are all a hit by me! I even got the chorus stuck in my head. 😛 If you don't believe me, why don't you check it out for yourselves? Catch "all the feels" down below! 👇
Until my next update, I will write again soon and enjoy your weekends, everyone! 🤗
- xoxo Lisa ❤
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