New Year, New Post, New Possibilities! Welcome, 2024. 🎆

Published on 12 January 2024 at 19:11

Happy Friday! Happy Friyay! And, most importantly, Happy New Year! Yes, I've let this blog go over a month, once again, without an update. 😞 I could blame it all on the holiday season, and how busy of a time it was...which is true, but not necessarily because of the holidays. It's just every day is another busy day due to work & life. Forgive me! But I'm posting an entry on my blog whenever I feel it's right to do so, and I suppose tonight is the right time to do just that, so here goes! 😄

Speaking of the holidays, it was a lovely season as always! Spent the first part of each holiday at work, of course, but managed to spend the remainder of the time with my fiance & family. Thanksgiving's turkey was delicious & we enjoyed a cute marathon of Frasier episodes afterwards. 🙃 New Year's Eve was spent enjoying dinner at our local delicious pizzeria! And my fiance & I were there closer to closing so we had the whole place (and set of fries 😋) to ourselves. Then we went on over to my place, ate dessert and schmoozed with the fam, then watched another marathon on TV, but this time it was of Home Improvement. Now, almost two weeks later, we're 12 days into the month and year, and everything's going well! Naturally you can't have a year's worth of events happen in just the first 4 weeks, so there are many exciting events to be looking forward to, it'll just be a little later on in the year. I hope 2024 is the year for us all!

You know, is it just me, or do the seasons not really "feel" like seasons anymore? Our summer wasn't so hot, rain was very frequent. Now that we're in winter, we've barely had much snowstorms within these last two years as it is, and the temperatures go from warm to cold and from cold to mild. Oh, and we're getting more rainstorms than ever before! I recall about 13-14 years ago, the climate didn't seem all over the place. Does being an adult now, as opposed to being a teenager back then, have anything to do with it? Are climate changes just a part of adulthood or something? I don't know. I just want each season to feel like it's supposed to. I'll regret wanting snow in the winter, I'm sure, but at least it's expected! Sometimes the 'unexpected' is a bit too much, if that makes any sense. 🤷‍♀️

So, as we begin a new year, that means more music to be listened to! And this week's new music highlight is from ITZY. I am in love with their latest release, 'BORN TO BE', and their title track, 'UNTOUCHABLE', is just amaze-balls. 😜 Take a look, have a listen, and enjoy! There will be more new music of the year to come & listen to, I'm sure. ☺

Anyways, that's it for my small update/catching up! I'll be back to post soon and I extend my greatest thanks to anyone who is actually still reading what I have to say from time to time. Truly. When I have the sudden urge to post, instead of to procrastinate, I'll be right here fulfilling my blogging duties. 😉 Happy Weekend! Goodnight!

xoxo Lisa 💕


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